1. The Miracle Blanket....best swaddle ever, some call it the baby straight jacket!

2. A medela breastpump is the way to go....nuff said

3. Get 2 mirrors, 1 for both cars

4. I love my video monitor, it was honestly the best money I spent on anything for H!

5. The Boppy will be your bestfriend

6. Dr. Brown's Bottles were my favorite

7. The milk storage containers from Medela are awesome

8. Graco Car Seat, I like this one because if your traveling somewhere you don't have to lug the base around, it can be used with just the seat belt if need be

9. Again 2 is always better so get a 2nd base for your husband or whomever will be traveling with baby

10. Baby Jogger City Mini. I do not own this stroller but if I had to do it all over again I would totally buy it. It is almost lighter than my umbrella stroller, can be folded with one hand, and you can add a car seat attachment. This is 10x better than a travel system and umbrella stroller put together. It is not a jogging stroller though!

11. So if you are an avid jogger the BOB is the stroller for you!

12. Front infant carrier, whether you get the Bjorn or the Jeep one they are amazing! I also like the new slings that are out. I tried the moby wrap and it was uncomfortable and hard to put on by myself.

13. Graco Playard/Pack-N-Play: When we moved to FL H was 3 months old, he slept in the bassinet part for almost 3 months! I loved that the changing table was high up, some are low and annoying. This is also great to use if you have a 2 story home, keep it downstairs.

14. Baby Einstein Play Gym

15. Fisher Price Whale Tub

16. Fisher Price Papasan Chair.....a lifesaver

17. Last but not least you must register for an excersaucer....baby will have fun and mommy can take a shower while baby plays (please of course make sure you can see baby!).

So those are most of the things that I definitely could not have lived without when H was a baby. There is so much out there these days that it can be overwhelming so I hope this helps any moms to be!
Good tips!! I have quite a few of those on my registry already! How long did you breastfeed as opposed to pumping? I'm trying to decide if I want to get a double electric Breastpump as oppose to a single. I won't be working so I'll have "time" for a single, plus I want to try to breastfeed from the breast as often as possible, but at the same time I want Tom to be able to feed Thomas atleast once a day (depending on Tom's work schedule). Ahhh decisions!