Ugh I have been such a bad blogger! The amazing weather we have been having here in TN has overtaken my brain! All I want to do is be outside with my boys! We have been hitting up the Discovery Center a couple times a week to walk the trail and play on the playground. We even had a picnic with friends yesterday, of course I took zero pictures!
Life has also been busy busy! M and I got to go to Gaylord Opryland for dinner Monday night and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! If you find yourself in the ginormous hotel that is Opryland please please please go to Ravello you won't leave hungry!
Tuesday H had his 3 year check-up, how is my baby 3??? My little preemie is finally out of the 25th percentile for weight and up to the 75th! So all of my "he isn't eating enough" thoughts are clearly wrong! He is also in the 76th percentile for height which we pretty much knew. I love our new pediatrician and am so happy to finally have a doctor that listens to my concerns and does something about them!
Hanging out at the Discovery Center!
Life has also been busy busy! M and I got to go to Gaylord Opryland for dinner Monday night and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! If you find yourself in the ginormous hotel that is Opryland please please please go to Ravello you won't leave hungry!
Tuesday H had his 3 year check-up, how is my baby 3??? My little preemie is finally out of the 25th percentile for weight and up to the 75th! So all of my "he isn't eating enough" thoughts are clearly wrong! He is also in the 76th percentile for height which we pretty much knew. I love our new pediatrician and am so happy to finally have a doctor that listens to my concerns and does something about them!
Hanging out at the Discovery Center!

This morning we went back to the Orthopedic Surgeon's office to have Hudson's cast removed! At first he didn't want them to take it off but he soon relented and loved the saw! He then had some more xrays taken of his arm and they were all clear! Loved our doc here as well and she and I both joked that we hoped we never had to see each other in her office again!

P.S. If you don't have a team to root for tonight please cheer for the VCU Rams as they take on Wichita State!
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