Hudson and I drove up to New Symrna Beach Friday afternoon and made sure the rental house was up to par, which it was and more! We then waited for everyone to arrive, Tim, Laura, Daddy, Zach, and Parrish.
Friday night Mack grilled 2 wonderful flank steaks and we had a great meal. Saturday morning we headed down the block to the beach, where we stayed you can drive onto the beach so Mack loaded up the jeep and met us out there. Hudson didn't sit down once the whole first day! He was in the water 90% of the time and was completely worn out before lunch. We tried going out to dinner Saturday night but after an hour and half wait Mack and I took a hungry and tired Hudson home and let everyone else stay and enjoy dinner.
Sunday Hudson again played all day with hardly any rest....he is a true beach baby! We went to dinner early so that we could all eat together, it was great. Monday we went to the beach early and then everyone left around lunch time to head back to Orlando.
I am a self confessed non-beach person, but I have to say that I enjoyed the small amount of relaxing I did get but most of all I loved seeing Hudson have so much fun! Until next time, have a great week!
Our little family on the beach
Mommy and Hudson
My two boys
Daddy and Hudson

Hudson had no fear of the water....this was a rare time he actually held someone's hand

So happy to play!
Hudson eating the domino's
Poor guy fell asleep with a fist full of goldfish!
The only time he sat down the whole first day
Driving the jeep with daddy!

Our little family on the beach
Mommy and Hudson
My two boys
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